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Keyless entry system benefits

Keyless entry systems used to be something thought of as almost science fiction like. How on earth could you lock or unlock something without keys? Nowadays, we use keyless entry more and more and most of us don’t even think about it when we use it. Take your car for instance; many of us use keyless entry to access our motor vehicles via a keypad or a remote. Using this newer technology we can lock and unlock out car doors, open our trunks and even start our vehicles! This is true here in Puyallup, WA and all over the world. Keyless entry systems are for more than transportation locks though; you can find it almost everywhere. A locked elevator can use keyless entry. So can certain vaults, gun cabinets and safes. Keyless entry can even unlock a smart phone with just a thumbprint or a facial scan. Consumer products often use keyless entry as a benefit and/or an upgrade. This is because it not only works, it works well, and it does away with burdensome and space taking keys.

Keys can be a pain!

We love our keys; why else do we have so many of them? We use keys to access locks on cars, desks, doors, windows, lockers, cabinets, and even diaries!

What if that same janitor had access to keyless entry or to a master key system? Both methods cut down on the sheer number of keys and make using them easier and more convenient. They also help with keeping track of so many locks, keys and locking items. Keyless entry is convenient to use and comes with other benefits like security upgrades and record keeping.

Convenience with keyless entry

Let’s say you are leaving the grocery store with an armful of bags. Instead of putting everything down and searching for your key ring, you simply tap a button on your remote and your car not only unlocks, its trunk opens, too! It’s simply easier to use your keyless entry system to unlock most anything than to fumble with a mess of keys trying to find the right one for your needs. If you are like most, you have some keys on your keyring or in your purse that you don’t even recognize.

Security with keyless entry

It’s true; keyless entry can actually provide added security to your life. A simple tap of a button can lock or unlock your car and even start your engine! Also, there is no fumbling with keys or momentary distraction while looking through them trying to find the right one. During small distracted moments like these is when criminals can best attack you as the last thing on your mind at the moment is protecting yourself. Also, standard keys are easy to copy and distribute, but not so keyless entry! It relies on signal sending that is near impossible to duplicate to exacting standards in a short period of time.

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More security…

What happens when you try the wrong key in a lock? That’s right; nothing! On the other hand, what happens when a crook enters the wrong key code too many times? The keyless entry hardware refuses to cooperate and actually locks up. In many cases, it can even call police or alert your smart phone! Try that with a regular key! This answers another question; what about code guessing? Some wonder if a car thief or other crook can simply stand at a keyless entry terminal and guess the correct number sequence. Won’t he get it sooner or later? What then? It’s much like entering the wrong password in an online form on your bank’s website. You can’t sit there and try password after password; you get automatically locked out after 3 or 4 tries. You can’t even try again for a set period of time. This can range from a few hours to permanent. The same goes for keyless entry systems. Whether on cars, jewelry cases, bank vaults, doors or anything else, a built in security system will shut down any attempts at code guessing done wrong.

No lost keys

This is an obvious one - no lost keys! Look in most any lost and found box and you’ll see one or more keys in there. Often, whole key rings. The people losing them must be beside themselves with worry and confusion. But what if they had keyless entry? With no keys to lose they would still be accessing their vehicles and property. Taking it a step further, there also no keys to break off or replace. That means that no one is running around with your stolen keys in their pocket calculating how they are going to steal your car or enter your house.

Is it all good?

Sure, there are drawbacks to everything; keyless entry included. Overall though, the benefits of keyless entry far outweigh any disadvantages. The most obvious drawback would be forgetting your key code. It happens; especially when you have several of them to keep track of. Another is leaving your number written down somewhere and someone finds it. Then, there are power failures. With no power, how do you access your gate, elevator or wall keypad? These are some of the most pressing drawbacks to keyless entry but they all have solutions. Key codes are easy to change if yours is lost or stolen. Battery backups and physical keys are always an option so consider those when adding keyless entry to your daily life.

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